On 4 October 2011, Ian Hickson has merged the two specifications of the WHATWG into only one. As a result, the summary specification "Web Applications 1.0" was changed to "HTML"
and the one which was a subset of "Web Applications 1.0" and called "HTML", no longer exists.
The individual specification versions are listed and briefly explained below:
- HTML - http://www.whatwg.org/html
This is the summary of various specifications of the WHATWG and includes all HTML-specific content and some more API's. This draft is called "living standard" and includes new features and definitions that are in development, thus not all of them are "stable".
- HTML5 - W3C - http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
This specification corresponds to a snapshot and is a subset of the WHATWG HTML standard. It will only be performed corrections. New features are not implemented.
- HTML5 for Developers - http://developers.whatwg.org/
This version is specifically designed for Web developers. The information for
Browser vendors have been removed from this version.
Some more historical information, along with many many APIs and prototypical developments will be a part of my master's thesis.